I have a long list of links that I spit out using the below code, total votes, submitted by, the usual stuff but I am not 100% on how to determine if the currently logged in user has voted on a link or not. I know how to do this from within my view but do I need to alter my below view code or can I make use of the way templates work to determine it?
I have read http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1528583/django-vote-up-down-method but I don't quite understand what's going on ( and don't need any ofjavascriptery).
Models (snippet):
class Link(models.Model):
category = models.ForeignKey(Category, blank=False, default=1)
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
url = models.URLField(max_length=1024, unique=True, verify_exists=True)
name = models.CharField(max_length=512)
def __unicode__(self):
return u'%s (%s)' % (self.name, self.url)
class Vote(models.Model):
link = models.ForeignKey(Link)
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
def __unicode__(self):
return u'%s vote for %s' % (self.user, self.link)
Views (snippet):
def hot(request):
links = Link.objects.select_related().annotate(votes=Count('vote')).order_by('-created')
for link in links:
delta_in_hours = (int(datetime.now().strftime("%s")) - int(link.created.strftime("%s"))) / 3600
link.popularity = ((link.votes - 1) / (delta_in_hours + 2)**1.5)
if request.user.is_authenticated():
link.voted = Vote.objects.get(link=link, user=request.user)
except Vote.DoesNotExist:
link.voted = None
links = sorted(links, key=lambda x: x.popularity, reverse=True)
links = paginate(request, links, 15)
return direct_to_template(
template = 'links/link_list.html',
extra_context = {
'links': links,
The above view actually accomplishes what I need but in what I believe to be a horribly inefficient way. This causes the dreaded n+1 queries, as it stands that's 33 queries for a page containing just 29 links while originally I got away with just 4 queries. I would really prefer to do this using Django's ORM or at least .extra().
Any advice?
@Gabriel Hurley
I am trying to recreate your answer and I'm have mixed results, let me show ya what I got.
links = Link.objects.select_related().extra(
'votes': 'COUNT(links_vote.id)',
'voted': 'SELECT COUNT(links_vote.id) FROM links_vote WHERE links_vote.user_id = 1 AND links_vote.link_id = links_link.id',
tables = ['links_vote']
class Vote(models.Model):
link = models.ForeignKey(Link)
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
class Meta:
unique_together = ('link', 'user')
def __unicode__(self):
return u'%s vote for %s' % (self.user, self.link)
But it is returning an error:
subquery uses ungrouped column "links_link.id" from outer query
LINE 1: ...E links_vote.user_id = 1 AND links_vote.link_id = links_link...
The query that is generated looks something (exactly) like this:
SELECT (SELECT COUNT(links_vote.id) FROM links_vote WHERE links_vote.user_id = 1 AND links_vote.link_id = links_link.id) AS "voted", "links_link"."id", "links_link"."category_id", "links_link"."user_id", "links_link"."created", "links_link"."modified", "links_link"."url", "links_link"."name", "links_category"."id", "links_category"."name", "auth_user"."id", "auth_user"."username", "auth_user"."first_name", "auth_user"."last_name", "auth_user"."email", "auth_user"."password", "auth_user"."is_staff", "auth_user"."is_active", "auth_user"."is_superuser", "auth_user"."last_login", "auth_user"."date_joined" FROM "links_link" INNER JOIN "links_category" ON ("links_link"."category_id" = "links_category"."id") INNER JOIN "auth_user" ON ("links_link"."user_id" = "auth_user"."id") , "links_vote"
I am using PostgreSQL which I know loves GROUP BY but I am not 100% on how to correct this.
EDIT 2 (Major Progress)
links = Link.objects.select_related().annotate(votes=Count('vote')).extra( select={ #'voted': 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM links_vote WHERE links_vote.user_id = %s AND links_vote.link_id = links_link.id' % (request.user.id), #'voted': '' % (request.user.id), #'voted': 'SELECT CASE WHEN links_vote.user_id = %s THEN 1 ELSE 0 END' % (request.user.id), #'voted': 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM links_vote WHERE links_vote.link_id = links_link.id AND links_vote.user_id = %s' % (request.user.id), }, where=['links_link.id = links_vote.link_id'], ).order_by('-created')
*This only works after applying a patch for a bug from here (http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/11916)
I am so close to finding that last piece I need to determine if a user has voted...