Functionally, the two blocks should be the same
<ns1:login xmlns:ns1="">
<ns1:login xmlns:ns1="">
However, how when I read using AXIS2 and I have tested it with java6 as well, I am having a problem.
MessageFactory factory = MessageFactory.newInstance();
SOAPMessage soapMsg = factory.createMessage(new MimeHeaders(), SimpleTest.class.getResourceAsStream("LoginSoap.xml"));
SOAPBody body = soapMsg.getSOAPBody();
NodeList nodeList = body.getElementsByTagNameNS("", "login");
System.out.println("Try to get login element" + nodeList.getLength()); // I can get the login element
Node item = nodeList.item(0);
NodeList elementsByTagNameNS = ((Element)item).getElementsByTagNameNS("", "username");
System.out.println("try to get username element " + elementsByTagNameNS.getLength());
So if I replace the 2nd getElementsByTagNameNS with ((Element)item).getElementsByTagName("username");, I am able to get the username element. Doesn't username have ns1 namespace even though it doesn't have the prefix? Am I suppose to keep track of the namespace scope to read an element? Wouldn't it became nasty if my xml elements are many level deep? Is there a workaround where I can read the element in ns1 namespace without knowing whether a prefix is defined?