




Note: The original was worded in quite a confusing manner. I tried to rewrite it while maintaining the original intent. -George

I need to send a request using GET/POST method to a server and check its response. I need some code in C/C++ to check whether my request was successful or not.


I do not fully understand what you need, but if you need to manually check GET/POST request I would recommend you using Firefox with Firebug.

Or even good ol' Telnet to create manual connections to your web server.

Francisco Soto
I am new to http and i need to just write a small code to check what requests go to server and what response comes from there. As in if i open google from my browser then what get request i should send and what comes in response.


I have such an issue a few weeks ago. Here is the question. It's not the pure C/C++ but may help with GET/POST options.

Good luck.

Thanks but can u tell me how can i use telnet to check response and see my request. I first need to make a small client server and then parse data sent by server
@jaspreet Here is the examples: http://www.jmarshall.com/easy/http/#sample how to do it. In this article replace *open a socket* with that *open cmd and type: telnet myhost.com 80*...

You can talk to HTTP servers (send GET/POST requests) using the WinInet API and C/C++.

To get started, you can read the Using WinINet section on MSDN (the About WinINet section is good too).

Alin Tomescu