





I got the following error while debuggging a process with its core dump.

0:000> !lmi test.exe Loaded Module Info: [test.exe] Module: test Base Address: 00400000 Image Name: test.exe Machine Type: 332 (I386) Time Stamp: 4a3a38ec Thu Jun 18 07:54:04 2009 Size: 27000 CheckSum: 54c30 Characteristics: 10f
Debug Data Dirs: Type Size VA Pointer MISC 110, 0, 21000 [Debug data not mapped] FPO 50, 0, 21110 [Debug data not mapped] CODEVIEW 31820, 0, 21160 [Debug data not mapped] - Can't validate symbols, if present. Image Type: FILE - Image read successfully from debugger. test.exe Symbol Type: CV - Symbols loaded successfully from image path. Load Report: cv symbols & lines

Does any body know what the error "CODEVIEW 31820, 0, 21160 [Debug data not mapped] - Can't validate symbols, if present." really mean?

Is this error meant that i can't read public/private symbols from the executable?

If it is not so, why does the WinDbg debugger throws this typr of error?

Thanks in advance, Santhosh.


Have you set your symbol path for WinDbg (see Step 2 @ http://blogs.msdn.com/iliast/archive/2006/12/10/windbg-tutorials.aspx) and are your PDB files in the symbol path?

I assume you're testing an executable built in debug mode which generates the necessary PDB files.

Mr Roys
I compiled by binary with -Z7 flag. Thus code view symbols were embedded within the executable. Still is it necessary to have .pdb files for the executable?
I believe WinDbg supports symbols in PDB and the older DBG format. You probably have to compile your binary with the -Zi switch (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/958x11bc(VS.80).aspx) and make sure that the folder containing the PDB files are in the symbol path. I need to mention that the above is from my experience with another similar debugger, not WinDbg. The concepts should be similiar though.
Mr Roys