An Array ( a row of elements ):
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
A 2-D Array ( a table ):
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
A 3-D Array:
//Imagine the above table as a cube ( a table with depth )
How does one visualize a 4-D array?
The closest I can come is multiple cubes, so for int[,,,]
[5,10,2,7] would be cube 5, row 10, column 2, layer(depth) 7.
I'm not sure if this is the best way to visualize a 4-D array, though... and I'm not sure it's the best way to teach it... however it does have the advantage of being extensible ( a row cubes, a table of cubes, a cube of cubes ( 6-d array )
Cubes through time is another way that I can think of it.
Am I on the right track here?