I haven't found a comprehensive list of the steps that are required to use a private API from the iPhone Library.
In particular, I would like to know how to get header files, if they are even required, how to get it to compile (when I simply add the header, it complains that the functions aren't defined), and what resources one can use to learn about private APIs (e.g. from other user's experiences, such as http://iphonedevwiki.net/ which has a few).
I've read in other places that people recommend using class-dump to get the headers. Are there any alternative methods? I've noticed that there are some repositories of iPhone Private SDKs, what are the most up to date resources you would recommend?
Most of the previous questions about documentation of private APIs, have all linked to Erica Sadun's website, which doesn't seem to have documentation anymore (all the links on the left are crossed out).
Please save the comments about not using private API's... I know of the biggest risks:
- App will get rejected by Apple.
- App will break in future updates to the OS.
I'm talking about legitimate uses, such as:
- Private application use (e.g. for unit testing, or messing around to see what's possible)