Hi, Assuming a definition like this,
void CConfigTest::OnSelchangedTree(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
TVITEM item = pNMTreeView->itemNew;
// find the session of the selected item
if(item.hItem != NULL)
HTREEITEM root, parent, node;
node = item.hItem;
parent = m_treeSM.GetParentItem(item.hItem);
root = m_treeSM.GetRootItem();
while(parent != root && parent != NULL)
node = parent;
parent = m_treeSM.GetParentItem(parent);
MyCommand* pCmd = (MyCommand*)(m_treeSM.GetItemData(node));
I tried these statements below, but failed.
How can I get the array member values(such as subList[2]). I want to replace the value of subList[2] with other same type value. Thank you.