



Hi All,

I am using stream.publish to publish some info to a users wall. This all works fine.

I am not using FBStreamDialog because i do not want the user to be able to edit the message..... So i have set up my own UI.

It all works fine and the stream is published to the users wall, the only issue is that i do not understand the result obtained from the delegate method:

- (void)request:(FBRequest*)request didLoad:(id)result {
    NSLog(@"result = %@", result);

I need to understand what the result is telling me so that i can handle any errors. Currently the following is being printed in the console but i do not know what this means:

result = 100000874992250_117813161591916

Any help or advice regarding this issue would be highly appreciated.




Ok stupid question... i have found in the documentation that the response is:

"This call returns a post_id string containing the ID of the stream item upon success. If the call fails, it returns an error code instead."

My question now is... how would i handle the response, so that i know there is not an error.

I cant check against all error codes because there are a lot of them!



Tom G