



I've had to downgrade from Galileo to Ganymede in order to use the version of the FlexBuilder plugin that we are licensed for. Since the downgrade, I have several times accidentally dragged files or entire folders from one part of my project into another (or even into another project). I blamed this on fatfingers the first couple times, but I just now watched it do it to me on what I definitely know to have been a single left click on the folder that the file ended up moving to.

Does anybody know if this is a known issue with Ganymede?

+1  A: 

Not that I know of.

Here are the known DnD (Drag and Drop) issues with the CommonNavigator in Eclipse 3.4.x, none of them describing a scenario which would be close of what you are experiencing.

A helpful link, thanks. This is sort of a "proving a negative" question, so it's going to be hard to find an answer I can call accepted. For what it's worth, switching from my trackball to the macbook touchpad seems to have made it go away, which is kind of a high price to pay.
Brian Deacon
@Brian: interesting feedback. I concur with you, my answer is not one "to be accepted";) Just a first element of response, hoping for others to have a better answer.