
Turn off Tag Navigator in VS2008

Hi, I've looked everywhere on how to turn off the Tag Navigator at the bottom of my Visual Studio 2008 and can't any info! Since installing ReSharper a group of us have come across a bug where it will reset your mouse cursor to 0,0 when you rollover a tag in the Tag Navigator and since I can't find any info on that bug I just want the N...

Tag Navigator Missing

In VS 2008 the Tag Navigator toolbar is missing. I am also missing the tags when I select a control in design mode. Ive been searching through the options for days but have not had any luck. Please help, this is driving me insane. ...

Determine whether client browser has java installed and can launch applets

Hi, I am developing an .aspx page which will ultimately launch an applet after the user clicks on a button (I am using the <applet> tag). So, I would like to detect if java is enabled/installed on the user's browser. I am using navigator.javaEnabled() method. However, even though this is working fine on IE7, it is returning inconsisten...

Zend_Navigator example?

Hi friends, should make a dynamic menu. I have to do with Zend_Navigator, but I can not find good examples on the web. Could you give me one? ...

C# BindingNavigator Issue

I built a form to allow users to edit database records and all the data binding works and the saving works. However, when I add a new record to the underlying bindingSource with the "Add" button on the bindingNavigator and I try to navigate to the new record the "Next" and "Last" buttons on the navigator don't work, yet the "Count" was ...

Puttting together binding navigators in a project

I am working on a group project in, in which all my team members are working on individual tables of a database. All of us are using binding navigator,where the GUI is created by drag and drop from the table. Is it possible to attach all these pieces together with imports or references? Will the changes made to the database whil...

Does Eclipse Ganymede have a mouse-click bug in the Navigator view?

I've had to downgrade from Galileo to Ganymede in order to use the version of the FlexBuilder plugin that we are licensed for. Since the downgrade, I have several times accidentally dragged files or entire folders from one part of my project into another (or even into another project). I blamed this on fatfingers the first couple times...

$.jgrid.nav in jqgrid for jquery

Hello, I have two different jqGrids in the same page. In the first grid I've set custom functions for the add and edit buttons in the navigator bar, using the following code: $.jgrid.nav.addfunc = function() { $('#btninsreset').click(); }; $.jgrid.nav.editfunc = ...

What's the point of the javascript navigator.javaEnabled function?

The navigator object has a javaEnabled function that indicates if the browser has javascript support. This seems to be a little odd: If JS is indeed enabled the function will return true, well obviously. If JS is disabled it will return <nothing> since it is never run, javaScript is disabled. I must be missing something here, or i...

Android - Distance between two Cities

Hi, I need in my Android Application the Distance and the Driving Time between Two cities. Is there a possibility to calculate this things for example via Google Navigator or Google Maps? (the driving distance, not the air-line distance) ...

Launching Google Maps and Navigator from Android App

I have an android application which allows the user to open up google maps or navigator to show a certain address. This functionality was working in the past, but now I get the following error and the app crashes: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2165): android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent {

How to get jqGrid reload to go to server?

We use the jqGrid navigator reload button on a grid with loadonce set to true. The reload button currently does NOT go back to the server to get the data - how can we get the reload to go to the server to get the latest data? I believe we can use the beforeRefresh callback to set the grid data to json instead of local but I'm not cle...

its posible configure the property silent print for all populars navigators?

lookin for if can posible configure the property silent print for all populars navigators? ...