




Hi, I need your advice with converting plain text to an URL.

The scenario will be this: The user will select some entry and then click a "convert to link" button.

The entry text the user selected will convert to (link: selected_text). I do it with JavaScript. And after that, when he clicks the Save button to save all his entry, I don't know how to store (link: selected_text) in tha database.

The URL will be like this: www.mysite.aspx?t=selected_text.

I can convert (link: selected_text) by using replace function in code-behind. But then I don't know how to show user as clickable and also by not showing <a href="www.mysite.aspx?t=selected_text">

It can be difficult to understand therefore I will show some of my codes to explain.

Private Sub Save(ByVal Entry As String) ' Entry Comes from entry textbox '

  Dim elected As String
  selected = Entry.Replace("(link: ", "<a href http://www.mysite.com?link=")
  selected = Entry.Replace(")", ">")

  ' then here starts save but not necessary to show '

End Sub

To store in database, you'll have to track the changes separately somehow and post them back to the server. I'd suggest a HiddenInput control.


I'm not sure what the problem is, could you please clarify?

Are you having problems storing it in the DB?

Robert Wagner

Thanks Fallen888,but HiddenInput is not suitable for it.By the way,i dont want to use freetextbox editor or another tool too.

Robert, No,it is easy to store database but i have problems when i want to display it.Forexample the plain text is "please click here".user selected "here",and i converted "here" word to a url.But when i want to display it,i cant show the link as hyperlink display.By the way Clearly My Problem is that i save it in database as www.mysite.com?t=here and i want to convert it to "here" while displaying.i cant do it therefore user sees it as Please click www.mysite.com?t=here


Do not save it as www.mysite.com?t=here. Just save the entry as the user types it. While showing it to user later, convert the "(link: here)" to link and show that.

Serhat Özgel
+1  A: 

If you must save processed input for some reason

(link: here)

must be converted to

(link: <a href="http://www.mysite.com?t=here"&gt;here&lt;/a&gt;)
Serhat Özgel

Save the post as the user wrote it. This will make it easier to allow editing of the post later. When you render the message you should use a regular expression to replace it with a real link. You should never replace all ")" with ">". What happends if i write "hello (world)"?

The result: Hello (world>

You can find great regular expressions here: http://regexlib.com


Thanks Buyutec, ur solution works. Thanks vimpyboy, i know that i must use regular expressions but i designed this sample within 1 hour therefore no time to focus on it.