



Hi all,

I have a very strange issue with my blackberry application.

My application first searches for a blackberry network ( ;interface=wifi , ;deviceside=true , ;deviceside=false" + ";ConnectionUID="+ myRecord.getUid() ) transport and

after finding one, it uses it to connect the server application.

The issue is that some of my web services consumed by the bb client applicaton does not work when the connection type is wifi.

Example: I have a series of web services called one after the other, login , x , y ,z, and logout.

The connection transport selected = WIFI

Login and LogOfff works fine but x, y and z web services return me an error message.

The same series of web services ( Login, x,y,z, Log Out,) works with other connection transports ( eg. ap2trans) .

Please help me with this issue as connecting to wifi ( if available ) is important for the application.

Pleaes provide even the smallest info in this regad.

thanks in advance