



I am learning the structure of a portable executable. I went through the MSDN article but I am a bit confused about it. I have some confusion with their precise stucture and its functionality.

Can anybody help me or please refer me to a nice article for this?

+1  A: 

This is the official current PE/COFF spec from MSFT:

Alex K.
some other article please..
kiddo "External Links" @ the bottom.
Alex K.
i went through those links before..but anyhow thanks for ur help
+1  A: 

For a more discursive approach than official specs, you should really have a look at Matt Pietrek article "An In-Depth Look into the Win32 Portable Executable File Format" (part 1, part 2). It is explained quite well, and it's much more readable than the dry, official style of the specs.

Matteo Italia

You should take a look to the excellent representation of the PE Format at

Some (64Bits) fields are missing, but it is up to 99% close to the reality.

I used this schema to work on a product to analyze PE Files, which you can be download at Hope it helps.

marc ochsenmeier
Marc,I appreciate that u replied me...I went throu your product..its not so good when compared with other products CFF explorer/PE explo..I tired to explore an exe,with alot of functions exported but it says there is no exported function in that particular exe...UI is not really flexible to use/its so big..hope u take my feedback in healthy of luck.
Thanks for your input about PeStudio. I guess you saw that it has been updated. The UI needs to change, I know.
marc ochsenmeier
Unique in PeStudio is not the UI but the fact that it is based on a PE parser (peparser.dll) that is fully OOD-oriented.
marc ochsenmeier
just to mention that PeStudio has been updated.
marc ochsenmeier