+1  A: 

1: Yes, you have to manually store the previous values somewhere and assign them to the ComboBox's ItemsSource.
2: I don't understand this question.
3: No, a service is different. Services run in the background and don't interact with the UI at all. What you want is to just add (or remove) an entry in the auto-run section of the registry. Try this link.
4: WPF doesn't (natively) support GIFs. Personally, I'd just use a ProgressBar with IsIndeterminate set to true, but other animations would also work.

You may also want to look at .NET's built in application settings function. This link is for Windows Forms instead of WPF but the ideas should be the same.

Hello JustAbill thanks for the reply.The question 2 is autologin basically.
black sensei
If you're asking about where/how to store the "should I automatically login" field, then saving it in the same place as the profile (user details) makes sense - unless you have to retrieve it at the same time as the profile name. In that case, it might have to just be set per Windows user.