
can cookie do session task to check ur login status and some doubts in cookie and session and any spacial location for cookie in html page

Hi everyone I want to add remember me option in my login page.Now is it possible without using session or cookie and tell me which one should i use here cookie or session... Now if i am signed out and shut down my pc and then again start it as i enter the url of my login page either username and password muse be filled in both boxes or...

Creating an auto-login script to website?

We have an intra-net website that requires me to enter login information every time and it's annoying. I want to create some sort of automatic login for this website. I tried creating a two-frame website, with one page being the login page and the other being my own html. In my html, I wanted to enter values to the textboxes in the othe...

Firefox Password script same PW auto login for 1000s devices Possible to use greasemonkey

I currently work in a position that i have to manage and access 1000s of pages for troubleshooting and new setup.... and im trying to figure out a way for firefox or chrome to setup ANYtime it sees for instance a a web based page for equipment like (CISCO, Linksys, Sonicwall, T1 controllers) from the manufacture in the Title bar or from...

Wordpress Autologin Plugin not working on server

Hello Everyone, I have been busy integrating Wordpress to one of a CakePHP application.Last Monday I cracked the way to integrate it.Now another problem I faced was that Client wanted to auto login the users who are login in CakePHP side,I did that too and it works fine in local.I am using the Session Variable of CakePHP which is set in ...

My cookies won't stay (PHP).

I'm building an autologin system using cookies, but one fundamental part of the functionality of the cookies fails: they are non-persistent over different sessions - or even pages! In my login script, I set the cookies like this: setcookie('userID', $userID, time()+86400); // (edited after replies) $userID has a value. Then I print th...

One user at a Time

I am trying to implement that only one user can login with given credentials. I check this at the time of login with this code : MembershipUser objectUser = Membership.GetUser(Login1.UserName); if (objectUser != null) { boolIsAlreadyLoggedIn = objectUser.IsOnline; } This is working fine. I have problem, when a use...

how to implement login and service features as in skype or msn chat in a wpf application

Hello Good people! I'm building an WPF application that connect to web services for its operations.Things that i needed to be working are so far fine.Now i'll like to improve use experience by adding features like username editable combobox, sign me in when skype start and start when computer start. I have a fair idea about each feat...

Staying logged in to an Android App

I'm new to both java and the android so I apologize if I'm missing something obvious. I'm trying to allow a user to stay logged in to an application. What is the best way to do this? Can anybody point me to a tutorial? I've searched the web and can't seem to find anything. Thanks! ...

Autologin for web application

We want to AutoLogin feature to allow user directly login using link into our Web Application. What is the best way achieve this? We have following approches in our mind. 1) Store user credentials(username/password) in cookie. Send cookie for authentication. e.g. http: // (here username/password will be passed ...

Login in a Webpage with Watin

I try to login on a webpage. On the webpage are two forms with inputs, the inputs have the same Id("username"). How can i get the right inputs to set my text? This is my wrong Code: browser.TextField(Find.ByName("username")).TypeText("test123"); or browser.Form(Find.ByName("form_login")).TextField(Find.ByName("username")).TypeText("...

Auto login on website

I'm working on an application which consists of a Web Application and a Standalone Application. Both of the applications use the same database and require authentication and authorization. Within the Standalone Application a web browser needs to be opened, going to a page within the Web Application. This page is for authorized users onl...

phpMyAdmin disable admin login

Hi, I have Ubuntu, and installed the phpMyAdmin package (currently 4:3.3.2-1). Every 30 minutes, it asks me to enter my username and password, for inactive session timeout. In earlier version of phpMyAdmin, setting a user/pass would entirely skip this login form and keep the session open indefinitely. This installation is on a dev machin...

PHPBB forum login from my site(Linking Forum Login to User Login)

Is anyone know How can I login to my PHPBB forum from my site. I need to PHPBB forum login from my site without login to forum. I heard about PHPBB_Login class but i dont know how to config it.need quick reply. Thanks. ...

How to implement an automatically login system under php and javascript?

As the title implies, the automatically login system is wildly used by many websites. But I could not figure it out by myself. Could you please give me some hint. EDIT: Yes, I mean the remeber me feature like google. thanks. ...

Best practise for remember me feature

I am using 2 variables in cookie(7 day expiration) which is user id and hash. Hash is sha1 encode of user agent and user id. In this case some hacker can login who is know stolen cookie's browser. Which way should i follow or which practise is best for remember me security problems ? ...

JASIG CAS Login Programmatically (With Liferay )...

Hi all, I am using JASIG CAS for SSO login with liferay. Now, its working fine when i directly try to login, because the redirect is there with CASFilter. It redirects to CAS login page, and after login successfully it redirects to our application url provided. Now i want to login into CAS using liferay's login portlet. This portlet is...

ASP.NET Universal Login from Multiple Sites

Hey everyone! I have a question that doesn't need any specific answer, just a general direction of what to do. I work for a company that has many sites. Each site requires a login at some point. We have a single Accounts database that all of the sites hit. One of the requirements for the login system is that if we login on one site,...

How to disable auto-login in iPhone programmatically?

From iPhone Os 3.0, Apple released Auto-login and join functions for captive protals. So can not using http automated authentication for hotspots to login. Does anyone know how to disable the features programmatically ? I heard, the app, Boingo, implements the disable thing. At this time, I really need it. ...

trying to login to web form in code.

this is the form <form action="j_security_check" method="post"> <div id="editForm"> <h2>Login</h2> <div class="errors"></div> <div class="row"> <span class="label">Username:</span> <span class="formw"><input type="text" name="j_username"></span> </div> <div class="row"> <span class="label">Password:</span> <span clas...

CakePHP's Auth->Login not working in production, but works in test

I have a CakePHP website that's been working great. I just developed a new functionality that at one point auto-logs the user in, and redirects him to a page that's behind the login wall. This works perfectly well in my dev machine, but in production, the user gets redirected to the login page. Relevant code: (not much) $objCusto...