



I'm trying to make a 2d shooter game with 3d background.

The player and enemies are essentially just quads with textures.

The background will be simple 3d polygons with textures and some fog and light.

Therefore, I don't need a really powerful 3d library.

I tried Unity3D and Torque2D, but I don't like to use their GUI editors. I prefer to work with code.

So, is there a cross platform (mainly windows and iPhone) 3d / 2.5d game library, commercial or open source?

I assume it will be only limited to c, c++, and object-c due to apple's new ToS.


Cocos2D works on iPhone.

Marcelo Cantos
As far as I know, Cocos2d-iphone only works with iphone. I need something that will be able to run on windows as well
Aaron Qian

I recall that there is an Ogre3D port to iPhone, but I don't remember its name just now.

It seems Ogre3D does have limited iphone support. I'll give it a try!
Aaron Qian

If you just want some simple images you can just use OpenGL ES. I've heard it's quite nice to program with it on iPhone. Also, take a look at parallax. If you want to do 2.5D games I think it's a must.
Good luck
