Is anybody familiar with setting up WCF-nettcp adapters for BTS?
When I create a WCF-netTcp adapter for a Receive location, I am unsure how/when BTS will open up port 808 to listen on the address URI specified. It appears to only happen if I restart the entire BizTalk application. If it closes for some reason, I do not see any way of reconfiguring and reopening the port.
Furthermore, since that is only the net.tcp binding, there is no mex endpoint exposed. I believe client applications that wish to use that exposed WCF service needs mex metadata initially. Accessing that endpoint direct from a Visual Studio project would just yield
Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: 'net.tcp://biztalkserver/PostReceiveLocation_TCP/PostReceiveService.svc'.
Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: 'net.tcp://biztalkserver/PostReceiveLocation_TCP/PostReceiveService.svc'.
If the service is defined in the current solution, try building the solution and adding the service reference again.
Cannot tell for such how to properly expose a mex endpoint to the service. the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard is confusing me; I cannot get it to reference the WCF adapter/Receive location I setup. I find no document that teaches what one ought to do for netTcp services; it is all about Http.