I am trying to copy an object using the NSCopying protocol. I load the new controller on iphone and create a copy of a object. All the changes from TextFields are done on the copy. If the user wants to save I guess I have to somehow replace the original one with the copy.. But it does not take over the values...
This is the part where I load the new controller. (book) is the object.
childController.title = book.name;
childController.book = book;
TableNavAppDelegate *delegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
UINavigationController *navController = [delegate navController];
[navController pushViewController:childController animated:YES];
[childController release];
In the new controller I create a copy of book during viewDidLoad()
self.bookCopy = [book copy];
And this is where I save and pop the view. I have added an NSLog output to check if the value has been copied back which did not. An NSLOG to bookCopy.name works fine. The changes are in the copy.
- (void) save:(id)sender
if ( textFieldBeingEdited != nil )
NSNumber *nr = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:textFieldBeingEdited.tag];
switch ( [nr intValue] ) {
case kPhonebookName:
bookCopy.name = textFieldBeingEdited.text;
case kPhonebookPhone:
bookCopy.phone = textFieldBeingEdited.text;
case kPhonebookMail:
bookCopy.mail = textFieldBeingEdited.text;
case kVisibilityField:
bookCopy.viz = textFieldBeingEdited.text;
case kCurrentField:
bookCopy.current = textFieldBeingEdited.text;
self.book = bookCopy;
// Pop childview and reload
TableNavAppDelegate *delegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
UINavigationController *controller = [delegate navController];
[controller popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
NSArray *allControllers = controller.viewControllers;
UITableViewController *parent = [allControllers lastObject];
[parent.tableView reloadData]; }