




I'm making a non-rectangular dialog, modelled over an image from Photoshop (the image is the background of the dialog, and the user will see trough the transparent part of the image). I'ts like a dashboard-style window for a media-app with a few custom-drawn controls. Most of the background-image is either opaque or 100% transparent - but in between there is a thin area of partially transparent pixels, ment to blend the image smootly into the background. This works great for web-graphics, but I have not found a way to make this work for Windows windows. I'm using the Windows Template Library (WTL), msvc 2008 - and the app must run on Windows XP as well as Vista and Windows 7.

Currently, I'm simply using the opaque part of the background-image to create a GDI clipping-region, but this gives pretty rough edges.

Does anyone know about any API functions to accomplish this (part of WTL, or reachable from WTL)?


Not sure how this interoperates with WTL, but have a look at the AlphaBlend function. You'll need to select your partially transparent bitmap into a DC and copy that to your dialog's DC in your paint function.

Mark Ransom
AlphaBlend() works fine from WTL, but I'm unable to blend transparently to the background of my application-window.

Perhaps you could use layered windows? I haven't tested these with WTL but you should be able to get the effect you want. To the best of my knowledge I don't think you can add controls to a layered window so you'll need to attach it to another (non-layered) window to use controls.

Ron Warholic
I tried layered windwos with WS_EX_LAYERED style in another project, and it turned out that I could fade the window out and in, but the per-pixel blending worked in a boolean way. Each pixel was either visible or not. Direct2D may work, bit afaik it's not available for Windows XP.
I've used layered windows explicitly to make an alpha-blended (shadowed) form before without problems. Alain has a link to using WTL with the layered window style, check that out.
Ron Warholic

This article shows how to use layered windows with WTL and the Gdi+ API which is available on all your target platforms.

Alain Rist