



I am new to joomla. I have two joomla project now my work is too make this two joomla project access in a single login location or either any of the project. If a logged in a single project i am going to access another project without login. Whether it is possible? If possible please guide me how can it will do?

+2  A: 

There is no good way to do this. Without sharing the user and session tables between the two sites there isn't a way for the second site to be able to tell automatically who a random visitor is based upon the first site.

I would suggest Community ACL - I've never used the feature personally but it has multi-site user synchronization that might suit your needs. However, I would like to go on record saying that there is probably a more security conscious way of fulfilling your client's requirements, though without knowing excactly what you're trying to accomplish I can't say how. Sharing login data between two sites like this is never good.
