I have an xsd file Foo.xsd. I tried following ways to refer it in a WSDL file but it doesnt work.
1) placed the xsd file in local file system and imported it as
<xsd:import namespace="http://ws.test.com/" schemaLocation="file:///D:/wsdl/Foo.xsd"></xsd:import>
2) Placed the xsd file in web root folder and imported as
<xsd:import namespace="http://ws.test.com/" schemaLocation="http://localhost:8080/Xfire/Foo.xsd"></xsd:import>
When I run the client I get null for the fields of response object. But this works when I embed the type definition inside the WSDL itself.
How do we specify the path to external xsds?
I am using xFire 1.2.6 for generating webservices. Client is generated using xFire WSGen ant task.