I am a .NET developer with no coldfusion experience, but I need to write cf code to access a wcf service i've set up. I've got a few WCF services being hosted in IIS 7 with WsHttpBinding, and I'm able to use the services fine by adding service references to a .NET client and using client classes.
It is very straightforward for a .NET developer:
var addressClient = new Service.AddressClient();
addressClient.AddressDTO[] addresses = addressClient.GetAddresses();
It's clear that visual studio does a lot behind the scenes to set up these client classes from the WSDL.
I've seen coldfusion examples using cfinvoke to call web services, but none where they actually set up client classes from the WSDL and create them from the web service response.
So, how is something like this done from coldfusion?
Thanks in advance!