



In My ViewModel class I have a property:

class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public string FileName {get;set;}

and in my View I bind a label's content to ViewModel's FileName.

now When I do drag-drop a file to my View, How can I update the label's Content property, so that the ViewMode's FileName also get updated via binding?

Directly set the label's Content property won't work, it just simply clear the binding.


If you have to do it in code-behind, you can do something like that :

ViewModel vm = (ViewModel)this.DataContext;
vm.FileName = path;

(btw, your ViewModel class needs to implement INotifyPropertyChanged)

Thomas Levesque
then the View will have to know about the ViewModel, is this anti-pattern?
I did implement INotifyPropertyChanged
Well, the view always knows about the ViewModel, since it has a reference to it (DataContext) and has bindings to its properties... If the ViewModel knew about the view, *then* you would be breaking the pattern
Thomas Levesque
@Thomas, code is ugly :), but acceptable.