



What are my options, if any, of adding additional, arbitrary data to the standard Cocoa about dialog that is displayed by an NSApplication when it receives a orderFrontStandardAboutPanel message.

+1  A: 

-[NSApplication orderFrontStandardAboutPanelWithOptions:]

Dave DeLong
ah, I'm already using all of those options to show appropriate information for each dict key (pulled from the app bundle). The question is how can I show information in addition to all of that?
@Anthony either shoehorn your information into the Credits (or similar strategy) or make your own About window.
Dave DeLong
+1  A: 

If you add a file named Credits.rtf to Resources the contents will automatically be used in the expanded standard about panel and you can put whatever info you want in the file. It will still pull the standard copyright, version info, etc from the info.plist. It is the easiest way I know of to add arbitrary info, otherwise you pretty much will have to roll your own about panel.
