




My app presently reads and writes to the local Mac OS X 10.6 client addressbook using the AddressBook.framework. It works fine.

10.6 Server introduced AddressBook Server, which 10.6 clients can connect to by setting up a CardDAV Account. User and Group records can be stored in that account, which is synchronized to the 10.6 server and made available to other clients who access the same CardDAV account. is able to autocomplete the email addresses from accounts that are in the local datastore as well as the remote CardDAV datastore. ABPeoplePicker can see both. But, programatically, I'm not getting any CardDAV-based data returned from my queries against the shared AddressBook.

I'm not sure if I need to ask it for a different AddressBook, or if I need to modify my fetch-request to indicate that I want it to be able to use the shared data too.

My goal is to adapt the current code so that it can read/write to the CardDAV account too, instead of just the local addressbook.



I have exactly the same problem! If anyone knows the solution - please post it here.
