




Which SQL comparison tool would you recommend for SQL server database comparisons. I've been looking at SQL Compare and SQL Delta. I'd like the ability to compare and sync database schema and data.

+1  A: 

I like Adept SQL Diff, it works really well and is easy to use. I find it more intuitive than redcate SQL compare. It also includes schema and data diff/sync tools whereas with redgate they are 2 differnt applications.

Ben Robinson
+2  A: 

I guess you could use the ones provided by RedGate Softwares (which you enumerated). They are reliable, easy to use and, as far as I'm concerned, very effective!

Will Marcouiller
+2  A: 

If you are working with Visual Studio Database edition or higher, you can do this straight inside Visual Studio. See the following link: http://www.vitalygorn.com/blog/post/2008/01/Handling-Database-easily-with-Visual-Studio-2008.aspx

It's been in there since VS 2005.

Rody van Sambeek
thanks I hadn't appreciated that these features were there
David Ward
+1  A: 

I hvae used RedGate. It allows you to do the schema comparison and also data comparison.


Check out Datanamic's Difftective products: http://www.datanamic.com


You should take a look at Devart's dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server and dbForge Data Compare for SQL Server.
