I've been learning OOP programming for about a year and a half now and have developed a fairly standard framework to which I generally abide by. I'd love some feedback or input on how I might improve some functionality or if there are some things I'm overlooking.
1) Essentially everything starts at the Index.php page. The first thing I do is require my "packages.php" file that is basically a config file that imports all of the classes and function lists I'll be using.
2) I have no direct communication between my index.php file and my classes, what I've done is "pretty them up" with my viewfunctions.php file which is essentially just a conduit to the classes so that in my html I can write <?php get_title('page'); ?>
instead of <?php echo $pageClass->get_title('page'); ?>
Plus, I can run a couple small booleans and what not in the view function script that can better tailor the output of the class.
3) Any information brought in via the database is started from it's corresponding class that has direct communication with the database class, the only class that is allowed direct to communicate with the database (allowed in the sense that I run all of my queries with custom class code).
1) Any user input is sent to my userFunctions.php.
2) My security class is then instantiated where I send whatever user input that has been posted for verification and validation.
3) If the input passes my security check, I then pass it to my DB class for input into my Database.
I'm wondering if there are any glaringly obvious pitfalls to the general structure, or ways I can improve this.
Thank you in advance for your input. I know there is real no "right" answer for this, but I imagine a couple up votes would be in order for some strong advice regarding building frameworks.