



I'm trying to slide some (custom) tab-like buttons into view. I don't want them all to move at the same time. Also, they shouldn't move one at at time (where one slides after the other finishes).

I want each button to begin sliding slightly after the previous. Preferably it would happen on a curve but just a fixed .1 second offset would be alright too.

Monotouch or Obj-C code is fine. I'm thinking there is something in the APIs for animating groups of items like this. Hopefully, at least...

+1  A: 

You can use the +setAnimationDelay: method to delay the starting time of an animation block, e.g.

tab1.frame = ...
[UIView beingAnimations:...];
tab1.frame = ...
[UIView commitAnimations];

tab2.frame = ...
[UIView beingAnimations:...];
[UIView setAnimationDelay:0.1f];
tab2.frame = ...
[UIView commitAnimations];

Works like a charm. Thanks!