I have a table like this :
Name Mar1 Mar2 Mar3 Total
xxx 80 80 80 240
yyy 60 70 50 180
aaa 85 65 75 225
I wanted to find the rank of the student based on total. I using SQL Compact 3.5 . As we have rank() function in sql server do we have something with which we can find the students rank??? When I used "select Total,rank() over (order by total desc) i1 from stmarks " it's giving error as
" Major Error 0x80040E14, Minor Error 25501
select Total,rank() over (order by total desc) i1 from stmarks There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 21,Token in error = over ] "
Do Sql Compact support rank() over or is there any another way???