It returns an ICollectionView that is not a ListCollectionView. You most likely want a view on top of a view to get the features that ListCollectionView has. And since ICollectionView implements CollectionChanged, you wouldn't want to use BindingListCollectionView.
DataView view = (myListView.ItemsSource as DataTable).DefaultView;
ListCollectionView coll = new ListCollectionView(CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(view));
Although an alternative would be:
DataView view = (myListView.ItemsSource as DataTable).DefaultView;
BindingListCollectionView coll = new BindingListCollectionView(view);
If you only wanted only one view.
If you are binding directly to a WPF control, it is best to bind directly to it without making a BindingListCollectionView/ListCollectionView, as DefaultView already allows sorting of the DataTable.
Binding binding = new Binding() { Source = (myListView.ItemsSource as DataTable) };
this.myListView.SetBinding(myListView.ItemsSourceProperty, binding);
DataView view = (myListView.ItemsSource as DataTable).DefaultView;
view.Sort = "Age";
Hopefully Helpful,