
ListCollectionView moving to newly created record

When using a ListCollectionView, how do I move focus to the newly created record? My declarations are Public WithEvents Data As PersonList = PersonList.GetList() Private MyView As New ListCollectionView(Data) Private WithEvents _Person As Person The code I use to insert a person is _Person = New Person("AAAA", 100) Data.Inser...

Bind to ICollectionView.Count property in XAML

Hi all, I'm trying to bind a text box to the count of a filtered, collection view in XAML. It doesn't generate any errors but it also doesn't produce any output. Does anyone know how to do this? Here's are some snippets of my XAML: <Window.Resources> <CollectionViewSource x:Key="MyView" Source="{Binding MyBinding}" Filter="MyFilte...

WPF Toolkit Datagrid and ListViewCollection SortDescriptors

Hi all I have a weird problem with datagrid. I have a list with 2 items, inside every item there is a ListCollectionView. A datagrid is binded to the selected item's ListCollectionView. if I add (in code) a sort description to the selected item's ListCollectionView ,select item 2 and then select item 1 again the ListCollectionView so...

WPF Using multiple filters on the same ListCollectionView

I'm using the MVVM design pattern, with a ListView bound to a ListCollectionView on the ViewModel. I also have several comboboxes that are used to filter the ListView. When the user selects an item from the combobox, the ListView is filtered for the selected item. Whenever I want to filter on top of what is already filtered, it undoes...

Display sum of grouped items in ListView

I'm creating a WPF TimeCard app using the MVVM design pattern, and I'm trying to display the sum (total) hours the user has clocked in grouped by each day. I have a ListView with all of the TimeCard data broken into groups using the following XAML: <ListView.GroupStyle> <GroupStyle ContainerStyle="{StaticResource GroupItemStyle}"> ...

WPF ListView.CurrentChanged too fast for binding

My case: MVVM ListView+Details(custom UserControl) List bound to MV.Items (IsSynchronizedWithCurrent=true) Details bound to MV.Items.Current MV.Items.Count == 100 about 0.2sec to read details (lazy mode) When I hold the down arrow on the list, very strange things happen: list items order change current changes in the random order...

WPF BindingListCollectionView to ListCollectionView for DataTable as ItemsSource

Hi everyone, I want to do custom sorting on a ListView which has a DataTable as ItemsSource: myListView.ItemsSource = (data as DataTable); And this are the first lines of my sorting function: DataView view = (myListView.ItemsSource as DataTable).DefaultView; ListCollectionView coll = (ListCollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefa...

How would I loop through a collection in a separate thread and reflect the current item on the bound ListBox?

I have a ListBox bound to an ObservableCollection. The items in the collection each signify a different step with a method to perform that step. What I would like to do is have a BackgroundWorker loop through the collection, run each item's action method, and have the current step be reflected by the ListBox. My first iteration used n...

DataGrid Sorting retention on ItemsSource Changed

Hi All, I am using an MVVM approach. I have a ViewModel and View called AllSomethingViewModel and AllSomethingView. The View Model contains a list of SomethingViewModels and a SelectedViewModel. The View contains a usercontol bound to the AllSomethingViewModel's SelectedVM property and a listbox control that lets me select a VM. Basica...

Grouping items disregards items style ( Groups show up empty )

This is basically a follow up question to my previous question found here I'm trying to group items in a combobox but my problem is that either the GroupDescription is shown or the items. If I add collectionView.GroupDescriptions.Add(new PropertyGroupDescription("Team")); then my ComboBoxItem style will be disregarded (it never gets to...