In a star-schema database, facts are usually acquired and stored at the finest grain.
So let's take the SalesFact example from Figure 10 in
Right now, the grain is Product, Time (at a day granularity), Store.
Let's say you want that rolled up by month, pre-aggregated (this particular example is very unlikely to need pre-aggregation, but if the sales were detailed by customer, by minute, pre-aggregation might be necessary).
Then you would have a SalesFactMonthly (or add a grain discrimination to the existing fact table since the dimensions are the same - sometimes in aggregation, you may actually lose dimensions just like you can lose grain, for instance if you only wanted by store and not by product).
TimeID (only linking to DayOfMonth = 1)
And you would get this by doing:
INSERT INTO SalesFactMonthly (ProductID, TimeID, StoreID, SalesDollars)
SELECT sf.ProductID
,(SELECT TimeID FROM TimeDimension WHERE Year = td.Year AND Month = td.Month AND DayOfMonth = 1) -- One way to find the single month dimension row
FROM SalesFact AS sf
INNER JOIN TimeDimension AS td
ON td.TimeID = sf.TimeID
GROUP BY td.Year, td.Month
What happens in cubes is you basically have fine-grain stars and pre-aggregates together - but every implementation is proprietary - sometimes you might not even have the finest-grain data in the cube, so it can't be reported on. But every way you might want to slice the data needs to be stored at that grain, otherwise you can't produce analysis that way.