



I'm working on a usability testing service and trying to figure out how to track user activity (e.g. url, clicks etc.) on a page of another domain (without modifying the page via JS or similar).

Any ideas?


I think you'd have to modify the page in some way through the browser to do most of the stuff you need. Perhaps a Firefox extension, or hooking up events (if they are available) on WebKit/Gecko controls.

Or, you might be able to hack something together with an <iframe> and some JavaScript monitoring for clicks. I'm not sure how you could pass the clicks on to the iframe, though.

But other than that, I don't think it's possible - and probably for good reason! It'd be quite a big security hole.

Lucas Jones
You wouldn't be able to "see" through an iframe that is pointing to another domain, so a Firefox extension is about the extent of your options I would say.
Dean Harding
@codeka: That's understandable; thanks.
Lucas Jones
Thanks for the input!I think AIR has some browser-like capabilities - maybe I could use this (although I would have preferred to no install anything). I also thought about using a proxy between user and website which does the according modifications (possible? makes sense?)
A proxy might work, but you'd be limited to the amount of data you could record with *just* the proxy. I think some client-side tool is n eccessary. I'm not sure about AIR.
Lucas Jones