Does anyone know of a good Django equivalent of Capistrano/Webistrano?
Capistrano (and therefore Webistrano) can be used for pretty much any deployment, so long as you use SSH. Capistrano is Rails-ready out-of-the-box but it can easily be configured to deploy PHP, Django, Java...whatever really.
Capistrano is a Ruby application so you'll need to have Ruby (and the required Gems) installed to run it.
Webistrano is a Rails application and you can run this locally or deploy it to a server if you wish.
2010-05-23 22:29:45
Fabric is a Python-based application deployment system. It can be used to deploy Django projects.
2010-05-23 22:41:30
Has someone written a Websitrano style web interface for Fabric? I'm looking for something to allow users with less technical skills to deploy or redeploy.
2010-05-24 01:11:52