



Hello, I am getting a strange behavior with FbConnect UIView "SessionViewController" can anyone please help me to sort it out? Any help, i am tryig to figure out since 4 days why it not working.

Here is my Scenario :

  1. I am loading the SessionViewController from a UInavigation Controller. If i do a login SessionViewController it works find i have my views (UIlabelinfo.text = @"you are logged in") updated. Then i do a logout it works fine too.(UIlabelinfo.text = @"you are logged out")

2.If i click Back > to the main menu : and then again to the SessionViewController and i try to login, i am able to log in again, but its not refreshing my UILabel text, what i should do in that case is to go back and forth again then it refreshes my view.

So far i heard that requestDidload is asynchronous, may be i am missing something?

Any help please ?

