




Where can I find good documentation on how to modernize a Cocoa master/detail interface with two tables to a "single table" interface? To illustrate what I have in mind with an example:

Current interface: at the top of the window is a master NSTableView showing a list of library cards and at the bottom are detail views for the selected library card. The detail views are: an NSTextField for the card holder's name and a second NSTableView showing the list of books he/she has borrowed.

Desired new interface: the window should show a single sequence of cards. Each card should show the card holder's name and the list of books, which should be shown directly on each card. The height of each card should adapt to the number of books. The card holder's name and book list should also be editable.

There are various examples of such a more modern interface, for example Address Book's way of showing a list of addresses on each card. Or Things, in particular the way it presents a list of "to do" items; and so on.

I'm just not sure how to go about constructing it. I'm guessing I would need to use an NSTableView with a custom NSCell. But I'm not sure (the fact that the cell's height is not constant may complicate things), and I hardly have any idea how to implement such an NSCell to meet the above requirements.

Conversely, custom interfaces like in Address Book and Things seem to be popping up all over. Is there any good documentation on how to construct such custom interfaces?