



I have an report on confluence using the reporting plugin, the report lists comments of all the children page, and filters the comments where the first letter is "c";

{expanding-reporter:content:all comments|as=comment}
  {text-sort:comment:creation date |order=descending}
  {text-filter:comment:body >text:first 1 | include=c}

{report-column:title=Page}{report-info:expanded:item > content:title|link=true}{report-column}
{report-column:title=Comment Summary}{report-info:expanded:comment > content:body}{report-column}
{report-column:title=Time}{report-info:expanded:comment > content:creation date}{report-column}

Notice the line does the filtering: {text-filter:comment:body >text:first 1 | include=c} and the line displays the comment:{report-info:expanded:comment > content:body}; How the two lines getting the comments are different, I think they should be the same. However the results are empty if the filtering line is changed to {text-filter:comment > content:body >text:first 1 | include=c}

Can someone explain the difference between two text-filter lines, namely expanded:comment:body vs expanded:comment> content:body? why the first option works while the second does not? I really need to understand what is going on.
