



How do you explain free libre open source software to a computer illiterate guy?

Two well known analogies I've often heard are:

free software as a meal recipe, a set of instructions for you to inspect, learn, put into practice, and improve... versus a canned meal that you can only swallow without even knowing what you're eating...

and the other is comparing privative software to a car that you aren't allowed to open it's trunk to see inside in case anything goes wrong...

I'd like to know what other analogies you know that might help us explain free software to non geeks




I would explain it exactly as it is. Open source software allows one to look at the the inner workings of the program and see exactly how everything happens, whereas closed source software doesn't allow you to see inside; you can only use the complete program.

+1  A: 

It is important to point out to them, that "free" means as in "freedom" also, not just in terms of price.
(Freeware != open source)

Your analogies are good, I'd just recommend you to see this article for more appropriate descriptions.


I would tell this person that:

  • FLOSS is a software where it is legal to hack into it and modify it the way you like
  • while closed software is illegal to sell or modify

also some would compare FLOSS to communism while closed source to capitalism


Just because a person is not a geek person or one who does not work in the "computer" field does not mean that he/she is stupid. Everyone knows that everything requires some construction in order to become what it is. A house, a car, a TV, etc all require to be constructed. So just say that the way this OS software is constructed is made a public information, so anyone can take this way to reconstruct that same software or even make it better. In some cases, the new better software is legally required to be made public as well. In some others, some one who makes this newer, better software can even make money from it. Then go on to explain the free beer, free speech analogies.

+1  A: 

The recipe analogy is good, except that you should include the other (common) important aspects of free software:

  • the responsibility to distribute the source
  • the disclaimer of warranty

These will both vary depending on the license - see the comments below. For example, the MIT and BSD licenses do not require redistribution of the source code. Nonetheless, they are common considerations and are as much a part of free software as the ability to hack.

Disclaimer of warranty

If the canned food makes you sick because the company didn't sterilise the can, they might be seen to have some liability. If the libre recipe makes you sick because combining lentils and brake fluid causes a chemical reaction with your stomach lining, bad luck.

Distribution of source

If you make a meal for someone, and they ask you for the recipe, you might have to give it to them in exactly the form you cooked from. Not the copy you originally got from your friend, but a copy with all of your additional scribbled notes. If your company uses the recipe to make even a part of a microwave dinner, you have to distribute the recipe to anyone who asks (or just include it in the box).

While the disclaimer of warranty is nearly universal, the source distribution clause will vary significantly. This is practically what "defines" an open source license.

These are important because while free and open software might suit many people, the disclaimer of warranty and source distribution clauses can be deal breakers.

Finally, do remember that it's just an analogy :) Once someone starts asking increasingly complicated questions, it's time to drop the recipe thing and talk about code.

Distribution of source is not always required. See MIT and BSD licenses.
Excellent point, tweaked it. Thanks.