
What myths have you heard about regarding the .NET Framework?

There are several "myths" about the .NET Framework - some are true, some aren't. I don't want do debate about those myth and what arguments there are to prove their right/wrong-status. I'm just curious about what myths you hear about the .NET Framework... (e.g.: ".NET Software is nearly Opensource because everyone can read the IL-Code w...

How do I convince my boss that The Joel Test is credible and should be followed?

I find The Joel Test to be a nice, straightforward tool to diagnose a company. I just ran it on my company and we scored 5/12, its time to improve or we are out of business. I want to bring up The Joel Test on our next meeting with our boss, who has no programming experience. How do I best convince him that The Joel Test is a good stan...

Most under-appreciated language/platform

Hello Everyone. Been learning Erlang, which brought the following question to mind: What do SO users consider an under-appreciated language/platform ... and what are their reasons? Semantics, Syntax, Usability, Deployability, Scalability ... whatever. Which language/platform do you think should be more widely deployed, developed, or m...

How do I handle web widget frameworks when advocating Perl?

Recently, I've chatted with a fellow Perl Monger about my and his job. He has a lot of Perl background, but works in a team that creates and maintains many low-scale projects for the customers, mostly based on .NET and Java. His opinion is currently that Perl has mostly lost the web game, since it's still lacking widget toolkits, which a...

How to convince fellow developers that the in-house framework is no good

Here's the story: I have moved to a new job 3 months ago. The development team consists of 5-6 people, with one lead developer. All of the projects here are "one-man-jobs", there are no tasks requiring teamwork, everyone works on their own. Management wants us to use an in-house framework, so that the projects where there will be more t...

best analogy to explain free software floss to non geeks

How do you explain free libre open source software to a computer illiterate guy? Two well known analogies I've often heard are: free software as a meal recipe, a set of instructions for you to inspect, learn, put into practice, and improve... versus a canned meal that you can only swallow without even knowing what you're eating... and...