




Is there a source, which I could use to learn some of the most used and popular practices regarding Actor-/Agent-oriented programming? My primary concern is about parallelism and distribution limited to the mentioned scheme - Actors, message passing.

Should I begin with Erlang documentation or maybe there is any kind of book that describes the most important building blocks when programming Actor-oriented?

Thank you!

(Most useful examples would be in Scala or F#)

+4  A: 

With regards to the usage of Actors in Scala, you might want to look into the Akka framework. It has good documentation, and here they have a list of articles and presentations with many examples.

Arjan Blokzijl
Your hint is very helpful, cause I want just now looking into the Akka framework. And to hear that it's popular brings hope. However, I would like to enhance my _knowledge_ of the mentioned patterns, not just use them. Thx :)
+5  A: 

The Erlang and Scala's Akka are most popular and have large community. In case you want to know ML-based style there is JoCaml. They have simple intro text and collection of more formal papers. I'm using JoCaml about two years in my research work and very happy with it. Also, you can find many examples of the F# mailboxes usage to implement actor-style message passing.

Interesting note about JoCaml, happy to see that you use it. And about F# mailboxes there are indeed many examples, but I wanted some more high-level and general patterns (e.g. failover management, inter-agent negotiotions etc.). thx!
+4  A: 

Hi Bubba,

For a colorful and interesting explanation I'd recommend to read some entries on this blog

Other than that, we welcome you to the Akka mailinglist!

Viktor Klang
Hi :) And I'm very glad that your response is right to the point. I'll be the subscriber to the blog you mentioned and surely employ Akka in my future works, I hope.
+3  A: 

You won't find much in the Erlang documentation that explicitly talks about Actors. The documentation and recent Erlang books explain how to use concurrency/distribution/message passing in the Erlang context. As an aside we hadn't actually heard of Actors when we developed Erlang.
