



Hello, all! I feel it's quite a naive question I'm going to ask. Excuse me if it's foolish.

I have made an iPhone game using Cocos2d, Box2d and OpenGL. I want to show the game to a potential employer for demonstration purposes, without giving him the source code.

How can I make a .exe or .app file from the Xcode project?

I've searched online a lot but couldn't find the relevant answer.

Thank you very much in advance.


If you just want to give him something to run in the iPhone Simulator, then build the project in Debug mode, look inside the build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ folder created by the build process and give him that app. If you want him to run the app on his phone/iPod/iPad, then you need to join the iPhone developer profile and follow the provisioning portal instructions.

Graham Lee
Oh, thanks a lot :). the .app file was there but it wasn't running directly. So, what I did was to make a new Xcode project, add that .app in the executables (by right-clicking on the 'Executables', going to Add --> New custom executable and choosing that .app file), right-click on the newly added executable and select 'Start executable'. And here it is running fine.(Just in case someone is looking for the same thing I was).