(Using Oracle)
I have a table with key/value pairs like this:
create table MESSAGE_INDEX
KEY VARCHAR2(256) not null,
VALUE VARCHAR2(4000) not null,
I now want to find all the messages where key = 'someKey' and value is 'val1', 'val2' or 'val3' - OR value is null in which case there will be no entry in the table at all. This is to save space; there would be a large number of keys with null values if I stored them all.
I think this works:
SELECT message_id
FROM message_index idx
WHERE ((key = 'someKey' AND value IN ('val1', 'val2', 'val3'))
OR NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM message_index WHERE key = 'someKey'
AND idx.message_id = message_id))
But is is extremely slow. Takes 8 seconds with 700K records in message_index and there will be many more records and more search criteria when moving outside of my test environment.
Primary key is key, value, message_id:
add constraint PK_KEY_VALUE primary key (KEY, VALUE, MESSAGE_ID)
And I added another index for message_id, to speed up searching for missing keys:
I will be doing several of these key/value lookups in every search, not just one as shown above. So far I am doing them nested, where output id's of one level is the input to the next. E.g.:
SELECT message_id from message_index
WHERE (key/value compare)
AND message_id IN
SELECT ... and so on
What can I do to speed this up?