



I am considering using Spring Security annotations for my application, with the EL (expression language) feature. For example:

@PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#contact, 'admin')")
public void deletePermission(Contact contact, Sid recipient, Permission permission);

I need the EL capability because I have built my own ACL implementation. However, to use this capability with the "#contact" type arguments, the Spring documentation says this:

You can access any of the method arguments by name as expression variables, provided your code has debug information compiled in.

This begs two questions:

  1. It is acceptable to have a production application commercially distributed with debug info in it?
  2. If not, is there any way around this?

Thanks for any guidance on this!

+2  A: 

As a workaround you can implement a custom ParameterNameDiscoverer with your own strategy. Here is an example which produces simple numbered names (arg0, etc):

public class SimpleParameterNameDiscoverer implements
        ParameterNameDiscoverer {

    public String[] getParameterNames(Method m) {
        return  getParameterNames(m.getParameterTypes().length);        

    public String[] getParameterNames(Constructor c) {
        return getParameterNames(c.getParameterTypes().length);        

    protected String[] getParameterNames(int length) {
        String[] names = new String[length];

        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            names[i] = "arg" + i;

        return names;

And configuration:

<global-method-security ...>
    <expression-handler ref = "methodSecurityExpressionHandler" />

<beans:bean id = "methodSecurityExpressionHandler" 
    class = "">
    <beans:property name = "parameterNameDiscoverer">
        <beans:bean class = "" />
This is great stuff. I did not know about this interface. Based on this implementation I guess I would refer to the arguments by number in the annotation:@PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#arg0, 'admin')")To be honest -- I think this is fine for my purposes. How do you feel about have debug info in distributed JARs?
@HDave: I can't say anything about debug info in distributed code, personally, I dislike debug-info-dependent things because it makes behaviour of the code dependent on compiler options.