
I eventually solved this by saving a copy of the WSDL file locally, and, since JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean expects a java.net.URL for the wsdlDocumentUrl property, had to set it with a path like file:///c:/.../blah.wsdl.

This isn't really all that desireable, I would hate to have to put a file:/// URI in a Spring context file that might be deployed on a server, especially on a different platform - seems odd that this class behaves this way.

I'm guessing most people aren't using Spring aren't using JAX-RPC anyway.

matt b

Other than the mis-placed wsdl, were you able to successfully access the web services using the above config? I am attempting to do the same thing, however I have yet to be successful. I do not know why my client cannot access my web services..

Any advice?