Hi, Here's what I am trying to do. I need to prompt the user for a password prompt and until he enters the password and hits, say the Enter button on the sheet, I want to prevent the code being parsed in the background. Here's the code to run the sheet and when the user enters the password and hits Enter, endSpeedSheet is run. I am calling all of this from my Main() function.
What I am noticing is that the when the main function runs, the sheet shows up, the user is prompted for a password. But in the background, I already see " Code gets here" has been run. This means the code has already run in the background. What I need is the code to wait at the password prompt and then use this password after the Sheet has been dismissed. Any idea's on what I am missing here ? ( And thanks in advance :))
- (IBAction) showSpeedSheet:(id)sender
[NSApp beginSheet:speedSheet
modalForWindow:(NSWindow *)window
joinPassword = [joinPasswordLabel stringValue];
[NSApp endSheet:speedSheet];
[speedSheet orderOut:sender];
[self showSpeedSheet:(id)sender];
// More Code here
NSLog(@" Code gets here");