



After reading about why one-way hash functions are one-way, I would like to know how to design a hash function. Yes, I know that it's a bad idea to not use a proven and tested hash function, but I would still like to know how what matters in the design, and what the design process is like.

I'm familiar with Feistel-network ciphers but those are necessarily reversible, which is horrible for a cryptographic hash. Is there some sort of construction that is well-used in cryptographic hashing? Something that makes it one-way?

+10  A: 

Currently there is the NIST hash function competition running with the goal to find a replacement for the older SHA-1 and SHA-2 functions.
You can get whitepapers to all of the algorithms taking part there (see here for round 2 submissions). There are lots of different hash functions described, as well as their strengths and problems.

+3  A: 

The 'one-way'-ness of a hash function is not an easy thing to compute. Generally hash functions are shown to be good quality by withstanding scrutiny from the cryptographic community for an extended period. You could have a look at some of the published attacks on existing hash functions and try to design a hash function that specifically avoids these, but even then it may prove to be weak to another new attack.

For a very good starting point though I would recommend reading up on the NIST competition (see tanascius' answer).


Hash function and other cryptographic functions are created with very strong mathematical concepts. Most of them are built thus it is not necessarily unable to reverse/decrypt them but depending on the performance of current computers, it is infeasible to do so. That was why previously certified DES and MD5 algorithm are now obsolete. That being told I suggest you read up on mathematical concepts related to cryptographic hash functions first. Which one's? I'd leave that for someone who is more knowledgeable than me :)

Ranhiru Cooray
+3  A: 

First of all you should read chapter 9 of "The Handbook". The full name of this book is "The Handbook Of Applied Cryptography".

Next I recommend that you look at the analysis of existing hash functions. For instance Skein is one of the strongest SHA-3 competitors. Skien's submission contains a lot of documentation on how it is constructed and proven to be secure.

+3  A: 

You should start with Bruce Schneier's book It is a comprehensive introductory textbook on designing crytographic algorithms of all kinds

Michael Mullany
+1  A: 

The PHD thesis of cryptographer Bart Preneel is a good overview of this subject: Analysis and Design of Cryptographic Hash Functions.

Wim Coenen