




We are soon to get VS2010 and according to the link below, Microsoft do not support VS2010 on XP x64.

Does anyone have XP 64bit running VS2010?

I am not interested in 64bit version of VS (I am wanting to install a 32bit version of VS2010 professional on a 64 bit XP machine).

I am aware that XP will require SP3.

Any warnings? Horror stories? Advice?


I wouldn't screw around with XP x64. Bite the bullet and upgrade to Win 7 x64.

Quite frankly, VS2010 hasn't been out long enough for anyone to find most of the issues that you might face. I wouldn't want to find myself in a situation where it installed, worked for simple things, then completely held up our development process because of some hidden issue we didn't find until too late.

Chris Lively
I agree whole heartedly. I have Win 7 at home with VS2010 and loving it to bits. However, larger organisations are a bit more cautious around new technology and so may take time to get Win 7 installed. It goes against my very grain :)
Dan B