Here is an example script that will reproduce the problem:
use Tk;
$mw = MainWindow->new;
$pw = $mw->Scrolled('Panedwindow',-showhandle=>0, -sashwidth=>0, -sashpad=>0, -scrollbars=>'e');
$pw->pack(qw/-side top -expand yes -fill both -pady 2 -padx 2m/);
$t1 = $pw->Scrolled("Text", -scrollbars => 'os', -bg=>"red", -width => 40, -wrap => "none", -relief=>"flat");
$t2 = $pw->Scrolled("Text", -scrollbars => 'os', -bg=>"blue", -width => 20, -wrap => "none", -relief=>"flat");
# this loop is only to demonstrate the second problem: vertical scrolling
# on parent widget not working
foreach my $ct (1..50) {
$t1->tagAdd("content", '1.0', 'end');
# this is the justify right & loose horizontal scrolling problem:
# change the justify from left to right and the scrollbars will not show up
$t1->tagConfigure("content", -justify=>"left");
The problem I have is really two-fold for my application and both are demonstrated to not work in the above example:
- I need the left side of the pane
horizontally scrollable and right
- I need the Paned Window
widget (the parent of the two panes)
to be vertically scrollable (both
left and right panes together scroll