



I'm intending to design (and provide a reference implementation for) a new Swing Rich Client Framework. My job and personal experience covers many project-specific Swing client frameworks as well as the Eclipse RCP, and every one of them had some original and clever concepts, but also drawbacks and rigid realizations.

My plan is to incorporate the best of those concepts and features into a new framework whose core is very open and extendable.

For my must-have-features list, I'm counting on your input and hope you can share some concept pearls & diamonds you've encountered in other frameworks, or features you always wanted to have or have in a better way.

The framework is intended

  • for very simple to very complex and sophisticated projects
  • for clients that need full i18n
  • for richt clients that execute some or all of the non-presentation logic on the server
  • to be very lightweight
  • to be easy to learn and use

Thanks in advance for sharing your insights :)

+2  A: 

Docking views / windows supporting predefined layouts! I have not found any good, easy to use, stable docking framework for java.


Feature: Service orientation

Functionality provided by the framework (and its extensions) should be accessible over services.

The framework should provide a service façade which is configurable so that the implementation for a service can be exchanged (by custom implementations of individual services) or specified for additional services (new local or existing remote services).

Peter Walser