




Bit of an odd one for you:

I've got two connections to a database, on one I've opened a _RecordsetPtr with a pessimistic lock. I can no longer send an UPDATE command on the other connection. I can send a SELECT command on the second connection and data is returned. If I use a read only lock then there are no problems however when I use a pessimistic lock on the second connection as well I can check the State == adStateOpen but the program hangs when I test the BOF property!

If I don't test the BOF property and try to call moveNext on the second connection the software hangs

If I do neither of these I am able to access the data via the second connection but trying to access the data from the first connection causes the software to hang.

Any one seen anything similar as I'm a bit stuck?

EDIT : it wasn't hanging, someone had put a 30 minute timeout on the connection and I wasn't waiting that long while testing...